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Introduction Records

(NC forming box)

Ichinomiya City Aichi Pref. MARUBUN Co., LTD.

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MARUBUN Co., ltd has adopted our “NC Forming Box”.
They were a first company using our NC forming box when MASE had started development the forming box.
In today’s environment, MARUBUN has used our NC forming Box for almost all of their TOFU production line.
MARUBUN decided to reduce the employees work burden, and also they want to control variability of worker’s operation level to keep their good production quality.
For these reasons, MARUBUN realized full automation and no man power operation for following processes; Taking off the lid of press exit to putting TOFU into the cutting machine, transferring the Tofu dough, put the NC forming box to the forming box washing Machine.
The process of soybean-curd inserting to putting the lid is operated by their employees.
(Man-power operation)
The working environment is improved because the facilitation of automation and no manpower. Also it is able to produce hygienic products by this system.