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Introduction Records

(NC forming box)

Saitama Pref. Toan Tofu Koubou

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Toan Tofu Koubou is located in Saitama Pref, Kamikawa-cho.
They always produce the highest quality Tofu.
Toan’s Tofu is made by highly selected domestic soybean which is organic cultivation. This Tofu is no additives added such as defoamer, therefore only natural Nigari is used. For this reason, their Tofu is well received by their customers. Toan’s Tofu needs specialist skill. The workman constantly makes an effort to keep the good quality. Our Non-Cloth forming box (NC Forming box) was installed in Toan Tofu Koubou which has been producing high quality Tofu. The Non-cloth forming Box Tofu producing line has low numbers of bacteria from a cotton cloth, therefore it is very hygienic.
By all means, please try Toan’s tasty Tofu.